Tag Archives: Marketing

Scientific study of the brand so as not to lose money and results in advertising.

Imagine how many companies in Italy do not make sense of their brand, they have not chosen a specific direction, they confuse the consumer and confuse themselves with competitors, per usare un gioco di parole. Eppure il cliente ha sempre ragione. Non si giustifica dunque il fatto che esso non venga interpellato per l'interpretazione
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Livio Rofrano organizes the second communication and marketing seminar ” scientific approach ” in collaboration with Confindustria.

Without a solid scientific basis, legitimized by research, the brand is the result of improvisation and will decree the failure of any marketing and communication initiative.  
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Livio Rofrano, the advertiser who organized the first seminar on communication ” scientific approach” in collaboration with Confindustria

Livio Rofrano director advert group italia communication and marketing agency organized the first seminar that had as its object, communication and the scientific approach to achieve the creation of the brand.
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Neuromarketing tests marketing assumptions, it does not create them.

Neuromarketing is a science that analyzes how emotions affect the mental processes that lead consumers to purchase a certain product, observing what happens to the brain in the presence of certain stimuli. Neuromarketing verifies the correctness of a hypothesis, it does not create it. It will therefore have to be the marketing to formulate the right hypotheses from…
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