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Livio Rofrano organizes the second communication and marketing seminar ” scientific approach ” in collaboration with Confindustria.

Without a solid scientific basis, legitimized by research, the brand is the result of improvisation and will decree the failure of any marketing and communication initiative.  
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Livio Rofrano, the advertiser who organized the first seminar on communication ” scientific approach” in collaboration with Confindustria

Livio Rofrano director advert group italia communication and marketing agency organized the first seminar that had as its object, communication and the scientific approach to achieve the creation of the brand.
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Heuristics and cognitive biases, if you don't apply them, don't advertise.

A delicate aspect that requires particular attention and characterized by the presence of factors that determine the success of a marketing positioning. In order not to make it too long, I refer you to a very significant article that must be read with particular attention from a technical point of view. Here is the article
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What is the brand's scientific method?

IT DISTINGUISHES US "THE BRAND SCIENTIFIC METHOD" IT MEANS TO USE THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD FOR ANALOGY. The scientific method, or experimental method, is the typical way in which science proceeds to reach an understanding of objective reality, reliable, verifiable. The scientific method is a process that serves to help our researchers to know the truth. Is based…
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