If you don't have a brand, you are out.

The problem is that you win or lose in the consumer's mind.

If you are not among the first 3/4 brands that are remembered, you are out of the minds of consumers, leaving room for competition. This is a deeply felt problem today, it will be even more so tomorrow, with the exponential growth of off-line and on-line competition.

In short words, determines how much attention and memory capacity consumers devote to your brand, as well as what the brand means to them, because today everything is played "on attention, customer consideration and choice".

How to defend yourself? Maintain the competitive edge.

(These are tips that concern every corporate entity in every commodity sector)

Let's say right away that the brand does not exist within a company or organization. The brand exists in the minds of your customers ".

Brand is a perception in your audience's mind. It is an idea. It's what people think and feel when they consider your product, your mission, your customer experience, all the components that make up your company or organization.

Then, it is necessary to know carefully the deep value perception of the brand, what kind of emotional connection is created with the target? The individual elements of communication strengthen or weaken the connection?

Said this, identified a competitive advantage, unique and sustainable with consistency over time, the brand becomes a promise, an emotional shortcut, easily identifiable by the consumer. Communication through online and offline activities will serve to share the brand value with consumers.

The building blocks of the brand are : Brand awareness, relevance and differentiation, the identified value perception, convenience, the emotional connection.

To conclude, what advantage the company has in building or improving the brand towards consumers?

The first ever is to increase, profitability and market shares and shares in the mind of the consumer, in a crowded market it instantly helps you stand out.

The brand is a mental shortcut

When customers are faced with a wide choice of comparable suppliers, they will always choose the one they think is best for them. Your eligibility for a customer is passed on through your brand.

The brand creates trust.

Consumers trust more when they know or have heard of it, or they've seen a brand ad.

The brand is based on consistency.

Example of a small company, a home cleaning business can successfully build its brand if customers' homes are always thoroughly cleaned, the owners believe they are using the best company and feel comfortable returning to their newly cleaned homes.

A large company like Volvo has always been consistent while promising to this day " The security"

The brand differentiates you

A trademark can be an identification or a trademark that differentiates one company from another, through a series of associations and perceptions of value, identity, colors.

A brand also symbolizes how people think about your business. Building it helps customers in their decision making, creating a perceived knowledge of what they are about to buy, before making a purchase.

A brand can cover your business as a whole or relate to specific products and services.


Brand Experience e Brand Promise.

The brand promise is an unprecedented brand experience for your customers.











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