
First of all, let's start saying "Strategy meaning" What is a strategy?
"The strategy is to choose to make a different race to get to a different target; It is to try to do something different because not be better, but because you can stand to do so"
A 'axiom supported by Prof. Michael Porter and we practice in every project, because we believe that the strategy is the acme of marketing and advise our clients, to differentiate as much as possible from competitors, highlighting the importance and relevance of a need particularly felt by consumers (driver, insight).
Information is the basis of a correct strategic choice, they allow us to choose the way online with market expectations and outline the most coherent way, the most effective marketing strategy.
The marketing strategy is critical to the achievement of objectives, consistently supports our mission of helping companies to the growth and development of their activities consapevolizza.
In advert group italia , the study is rigorous and is manifested in the involvement of different skills, for the detection of more solutions in line with market needs and stakeholder, then all the stakeholders that revolve around the company.

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